A snitch line set up by the Ford government to encourage parents to report teachers who weren’t following the new sex-education curriculum netted 27 complaints that the government flagged as “allegations of professional misconduct,” a...
Ontario’s school principals are asking the Ford government to delay changes to the province’s autism program that would slash benefits to thousands of parents and bring students with special needs into the school system without...
The Ontario Divisional Court decision on ETFO’s challenge of the Ford government’s new sex-education curriculum gave teachers an important victory by establishing that teachers and schools are required, under the Education Act and the Ontario...
News release from ETFO on the Ontario Divisional Court’s ruling on the province’s new sex-education curriculum: Toronto – Today, the Ontario court ruled that teachers have the ability to meet and exceed curriculum expectations, a...
They were supposed to be consulting on class sizes. But now the Ford government has told school boards to implement a hiring freeze while it makes its decision. A Ministry memo obtained by CTV News...