With education sector collective agreements expired as of August 31, 2019, the union that represents over 55,000 education workers in Ontario’s public schools has asked its members for a strong mandate following some difficult bargaining...
Over the Labour Day long weekend, contracts expired for the five major unions – ETFO, OSSTF, OECTA, AEFO and CUPE — representing the province’s teachers and education workers. While talks between most of the unions,...
The Ontario Federation of Labour has added a feature to its website that tracks the actions of the Ford government. The “Ford tracker” lists everything the Tories have done since they took power last summer....
Premier Doug Ford says he has spoken with “hundreds of teachers over the last few weeks” who are “so happy” with the province’s education cutbacks. As dozens of educators looked on from the spectators’ gallery...
Despite promises from the Ford government that no teachers would be laid off due to his cutbacks to education, local media outlets are reporting just that in communities across Ontario. The Upper Grand District School...