The message couldn’t be clearer. Over 78,000 Ontarians have sent letters to their MPPs in the last two weeks saying that they do not support larger class sizes in public elementary schools as part of...
The former Assistant Deputy Minister of Education who implemented full-day kindergarten in Ontario says the Ontario government should think twice about axing the program. Studies show the return on investment in full-day kindergarten is between...
British Columbia’s experiment with increasing class sizes “harmed student learning, cost the government political support, and did not end up saving much (if any) money in the long run,” says a Canada Graduate Scholar in...
An Ontario human rights tribunal has heard that senior staff warned Education Minister Lisa Thompson that the new sex-education curriculum imposed by the Conservative government would be regarded as “outdated” and “not serving the needs...
Nova Scotia’s government is on a collision course with the province’s teachers over its demand to make teachers’ pensions an issue during upcoming contract talks, reports CTV News Atlantic. Pensions are usually negotiated separately from...