

Effective Tuesday, November 26, 2019, all ETFO members** shall begin strike action.

On Tuesday, November 26, 2019, we are asking all ETFO members to participate in a Solidarity Action by:

  • meeting together outside the main entrance of their workplace and entering the workplace together 15 minutes before the start of the instructional day.

Effective Tuesday, November 26, 2019, ETFO members will:

  • NOT participate in any school board or Ministry of Education professional learning offered outside of the instructional day (including online or face-to-face professional learning);
  • NOT participate in activities related to the Fundamentals of Math Strategy (except as referenced above);
  • NOT participate in any Ministry of Education online training or webinars;
  • NOT participate in any EQAO-related activities;
  • NOT participate in any way in the development of the Math Proficiency Test for faculty of education students;
  • NOT complete any surveys/data collection activities (except for what ETFO members deem is necessary for their own reporting requirements, as per PPM 155);
  • NOT attend meetings (online or face-to-face) with Ministry of Education Achievement Officers;
  • NOT participate in school board activities on Professional Activity (PA) Days – ETFO members will work in their assigned worksites on their own self-directed activities;
  • NOT attend staff/division/grade team meetings;
  • NOT undertake the role of ‘Teacher in Charge’ (unless remuneration is specifically provided for this role in the local collective agreement);
  • NOT participate in school board/school improvement planning activities (BIPSA or SIPSA);
  • NOT respond to electronic communications from the school administrator/direct supervisor for non-school-based staff, outside of the instructional day (unless for reasons of personal/student safety, an OT accepting work, or support for students with special needs);
  • NOT undertake the role of divisional chair/team lead (unless remuneration is specifically provided for this role in the local collective agreement);
  • NOT participate in any school board committee (with the exception of School Council, staffing committees, labour management committees or health and safety committees);
  • NOT participate on any school board writing team or in school board curriculum/resource development;
  • NOT complete Term 1 Report Cards – teachers WILL provide the school administrator with a class list of marks for the various subjects/strands taught, or one brief comment per frame for the Kindergarten Communication of Learning;
  • NOT undertake the role of report card administrator;
  • NOT file the Progress Report, the Term 1 Report Card or the Kindergarten Communication of Learning.

Effective Tuesday, November 26, 2019, ETFO members will:

  • CONTINUE to focus on and support the learning needs of students;
  • CONTINUE to maintain contact with parents regarding students;
  • CONTINUE to provide scheduled supervisory duties; and
  • CONTINUE to wear red on Fridays (or Thursdays, depending on local practice) in support of public education and participate in collective actions to demonstrate solidarity.

Effective Wednesday, December 2, 2019, ETFO members will:

  • NOT assume the duties or responsibilities normally done by a member of another bargaining unit that is engaged in strike action.

ETFO’s strike action is incremental in nature. This strike action will continue until the labour dispute is satisfactorily resolved or ETFO’s Provincial Executive deems that further actions are required.

ETFO members who have questions or require clarification about Phase 1 Work-to-Rule strike action should contact their School/Worksite Steward or their ETFO local.

(** ETFO members working in care and treatment facilities do not participate in Phase 1 Work-to-Rule and will continue with their regular duties. Those facilities are: Bloorview, Campbell Children’s School, John McGivney Children’s Centre, KidsAbility, Niagara Children’s Centre and Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre.)