ETFO Locals in Action is a periodic photo feature gleaned from Twitter posts made by ETFO members and locals across Ontario.

Michael Mayes-Stewart of ETFO’s Trillum Lakelands Teacher Local pauses for a selfie after meeting local Tory MPP Norm Miller to defend public education.

ETFO members at Townshend Public School in Kitchener wear Red for Ed. (Photo thanks to Angela Desjardins.)

Many of the educators at Darcel Avenue Senior Public School in Mississauga have been wearing red to support public education. Here are a handful of them. (Photo thanks to Mlle. Michalska.)

Teachers from ETFO Rainbow rock their new Friday attire! (Photo thanks to April Aelick.)

Teachers at the Tomken Road Senior Public School in Mississauga don red to show their support for public education. (Photo thanks to Mlle. Madhani.)

Another Red for Ed Friday at Sheppard Public School in Kitchener- “driving” for the best learning conditions for our students! (Photo thanks to ETFO Waterloo.)

Red for Ed at the ETFO FInancial Conference for women. (Photo thanks to Joanne Languay.)

ETFO members were prominent at the Broadbent Institute’s Progress Summit 2019. (Photo thanks to Federico Carvajal.)

Members attending Women in Action from ETFO Peel and Upper Grand ETFO are wearing Red for Ed as a sign they will stand shoulder to shoulder to put students first and defend public education.

ETFO members at the New Prospect Public School in Dryden support the Red for Ed movement. (Photo thanks to Theresa Lambert.)