The CEO of a Toronto co-working space that provides on-site childcare says full-day kindergarten is essential to working women and eliminating it would hurt the province’s economy.

Amanda Munday, CEO of The Workaround, which describes itself as “a parent-friendly workspace,” says full-day kindergarten helps keep women in the workforce. (Photo:
In an opinion piece in The Globe and Mail, Amanda Munday says many women would be forced to leave the workforce if full-day kindergarten were eliminated.
“With average monthly childcare costs at thousands of dollars a child, asking families to find a spot and absorb the fees for half a day of care means some parents would be forced to leave the work force entirely,” she warns. “Plus, job turnover is expensive, especially in a labour market with little room for new human-resource costs.”
Munday cites economic research that shows how important full-day kindergarten is to the economy, including its positive effect on the job market.
Munday’s co-working space, The Workaround, is located in east-central Toronto and provides emergency childcare if needed for its clients.
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